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Grfinegghorn 3860m


F and G Gardiner with R and P Almer, 8 Aug 1901

An unimportant summit usually climbed in combination with the

Gr Grtinhorn.



PD       From the Konkordia hut climb the Grtineggfirn to about 3000m.

Follow steep and crevassed snow slopes N wards (the slopes can get

very soft in the afternoon and great care should be taken in descent)

to a snow couloir descending from a depression on the ridge NE of

Pt 3475m. Climb the couloir then follow more snow slopes fairly

steeply to the fore-summit (3787m). An easy rock ridge leads to the

main summit. 4-5hr



PD       T von Hahn with F Amatter and F Kaufmann, 5 Aug 1907

A fine climb ofno great difficulty on good rock.

From the Konkordia or Finsteraarhorn huts reach the

Griinhornificke by Route 89 or 90. Now climb unpleasant slopes

(scree) to get onto and climb the S ridge of Griinharnli (3494.5m).

From this summit a spiky rock ridge leads to a reddish granite step

which is turned on the E side (slight descent). Gendarmes and short

rock or snow sections on the ridge lead to the summit. About 5hr

from the pass


Gross Grunhorn 4043.5m


E von Fellenberg with P Egger, P Michel and P Inabnit,

7  Aug 1865

A splendid mountain well worthy of its 4000er status. It has good

rock and a distinct difference in character between its W and E

sides, the former, being principally snow, provides the ordinary

route whilst the latter is mostly rock on which there are 2 excellent




PD       First ascent party

The ridge itself is quite short, starting at the col between this mountain

and the Griinegghorn. It is mostly climbed from theKonkordia by

traversing the Griinegghorn, but since the opening of the Manchjoch hut

an ascent to the col from the Ewigschneefiild is gaining popularity (this is

the normal route on skis).

From the Konkordia hut follow Route 92 to the summit of the

Grtinegghorn. Descend easily to the snowy col. Now climb the

ridge, on the crest at first then on the W flank, to the summit. 5-6hr

from the hut

From the Manchjoch hut (or the Berglihut) descend the

Ewigschneeflild until directly W ofthe summit and climb the

crevassed slopes as directly as possible to the col at the foot of the

SW ridge. On the last steep section it may be necessary to move R

onto the NE slopes of the Grtinegghorn to reach the col. Then as for

the other approach. 4-5hr


95        NORTH RIDGE

D         J Farrer and H Reade, 4 Aug 1907

A first rate climb which when combined with the SW ridge makes a fine

traverse of the peak. There is no great technical difficulty but it is quite

committing (III with bits oflV, exposed). It is most commonly climbed

these days from theManchjoch hut but can also be climbed from

Konkordia(longer but more convenient for descent)

From the Monchjoch hut (or Berglihut) descend the

Ewigschneeffild to about 3300m then slant up the slopes S of

Pt 3415m to cross the SW ridge of the Lk Grtinhorn. Continue up

snow slopes to the lowest point in the ridge between the £1and

Gr Griinhorn. 3hr

From Konkordia get onto the Ewigschneeflild and climb the

R side in a snowy hollow until level with Pt 3175 m. Now head NE

up crevassed snow slopes to the same point on the ridge, or a

slightly higher one further S. 4hr

Follow the ridge fairly easily to where it steepens. The first

wall is climbed on the L then the ridge is followed to a steepening.

Now cross a couloir on the R and climb a short wall to gain a rib on

the W side of the ridge. Climb this back to the ridge and then keep

to the crest, except for one detour on the W side, to the summit.

3-4hr, about 8hr in all



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