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96        EAST PILLAR

D+       C Blum and U Frei, 27 July 1967: Winter, P Etter, U Gantenbain,

R Kitser and A Scherrer, 10 Jan 1973

A magnificent climb on sound rock and in very fine surroundings. Mostly

III with several bits oflVand one oft . Snow and ice gear is needed.

The pillar, not very pronounced in the lower part, separates the SE flank

of the mountain from the NE face.

From the Finsteraarhorn hut cross the Fiescherfirn NW to the foot

of the pillar. Here a narrow ice couloir, which turns to rock at the

bottom and can be seen from the hut, comes down to the glacier.

Cross the bergschrund and climb slabs on the L (S) of the couloir,

then the crest of the rib on its L side to where it faces into slabs (III,

IV). Make a difficult traverse R to a shoulder then descend slabs to a

ledge on the edge of the icy couloir. Cross the couloir and climb

rocks on the other side to the top of the first steep section of the face


The next step is climbed on its NE side. Some detached

blocks lead to a 10m wall on the R of a couloir emanating from a tiny

notch in the pillar. Climb the wall (V-, crux) and continue straight

up in an exposed position to the notch (IV+). Above the notch

climb on the R side and then traverse pleasantly round the crest into

a couloir. Climb this to its upper part where it steepens. Now climb

on the L side to get onto the SE face a few minutes from the

summit. 8-11hr from the hut



D         F von Bethmann-Hollweg with O and O Supersaxo, 26 May 1913

A classic route with some pleasant rock climbing (II and III). There is

some stone fall danger.

From the Finsteraarhorn hut cross the Fiescherfirn and climb the

snow coombe on the SE side of the mountain (starting from

Konkordia, cross the Granhornificke to reach the same coombe) as

far as a steep snow couloir about 100m NW of Pt 3585mon the SE

ridge. Climb the couloir and then the tongue of snow (steep) to

reach the rocks as high as possible. Now climb directly up the face

(no particular line) to finish a little R of the summit. 5-6hr from the

Finsteraarhorn hut


Klein Grfinhorn 3738rn


G. Lammer and A Lorria, 13 Aug 1885

Lies on the continuation of the N ridge of the Gr Grtinhorn and

probably best climbed in combination with that route. Of necessity

it is included in the traverse from the Gr Fiescherhorn to the

Gr Grtinhorn.



PD       T von Hahn with F Amatter and F Kaufmann, 5 Aug 1907

From the Monchioch, Bergli or Konkordia huts follow Route 95 to

the low point on the N ridge of the Gr Grfinhorn. Easy climbing

leads to the summit. Gendarmes are passed on the W side. 4-5hr



PD       First ascent party

From the Monchjoch or Berglihuts follow Route 95 to where it

crosses the ridge. From Konkordia follow Route 95, but instead of

slanting up to the N ridge get onto the SW ridge at about 3500m.

Follow the ridge on snow and then excellent rock to the summit.

3.5 -4.5 hr


100      NORTH RIDGE

PD       H Kintze with her guide, 28 July 1903

Probably the best way ofclimbing the N ridge ofthe GrGriinhorn from

the Manchfoch hut and a means ofclimbing that route from the

Finsteraarhorn hut.

From the Monchjoch or Bergli huts descend the Ewigschneeflild

until W of Pt 3415m, then climb easy snow slopes (crevasses) to the

col at 3739m (Kl Grtinhornhicke). 2.5 -3hr

From the Finsteraarhorn hut climb the Fiescherfirn NW until

below the col at Pt 3739m. Climb directly to the col (D). 3hr

From the col climb the crest of the ridge or its W side (easier)

to the steep summit rocks. Climb on the W side to the summit.

1 .5 hr, about 5hr in all



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