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Fulbarg 3242.6m


This is a high point towards the W end of the long ridge running W

from the Fiescher Gabelhorn and has some good rock climbing. The

traverse of this summit and the continuation to Chamm is

considered one of the best climbs in the Oberland.


88        WESTRIDGE

AD       E Birk and P Borcher, 30 July 1914

From the Konkordia hut reach the foot of the W flank via scree and

large blocks. The flank is cut diagonally from R to L by a steep

crack, of chimney dimensions at the bottom. At the bottom of the

chimney is a chock stone. Climb past the chock stone then slant L

quite steeply with few holds for a few meters before climbing

straight up overlapping slabs (crux). Easier climbing leads to a

shoulder on the W ridge. Keep on the crest, airy and sustained, to

an easing just before the summit (III, 15m of IV). I .5 -2hr

Descend the E ridge, passing some towers on the R, before

taking the last step on the N flank (PD, 15min) to a col

(Flilbargpass, 3170m). A couloir on the S side now leads down into

the stony cirque of Fulblirgchumme. Pass the S foot of the Fillblirg

to reach the hut. 1hr, about 3.5 hr in all


Chamm 3866m


A rocky peak on the long W ridge of the Fiescher Gabelhorn. It has

a distinctive summit block that can be picked out from some

distance away.

A very fine view point.


89        WESTRIDGE

AD       J du Bois with C Rubi, 2 Jilly 1919

The ridge is 1300m long and has some good and bad rock. Key sections

are on sound granite.

From the Konkordia hut either traverse the Fillbiirg (Route 88) or

reverse the descent of that route to the Fillblirgpass. From the pass

keep on the ridge, steep at first, to a steep step about 300mhigh

(1hr). Climb this step directly on the crest to reach point 3605m.

The angle eases before steepening again to give some exposed

climbing to the summit. 8-9hr in all

Descent is by the SW couloir. From the summit get down

onto the small hanging glacier on the S side and descend it to the

SW rib. Descend this on the crest (nice climbing) then slant R into a

gully below the hanging glacier which in turn is decended to the

snow couloir (some danger of falling ice). Either descend the couloir

or the rock rib on the L side. Below the couloir traverse the slope to

the W and pass round the foot of the SW ridge of Pt 3605mbefore

more traversing across Fillbitrgchumme leads to the hut.


Grtinhornhicke 3286m


R Meyer with A Abblih1, K Huber, A Volker and J Bortis,

11 Aug l812

The pass provides a route between the Aletsch and Fiescher glaciers

and is one of the most frequented in the Oberland, especially by ski-

touring parties in the spring. It provides probably the easiest

approach to the Finsteraarhorn hut.


90        FROM THE WEST

F          From the Konkordia hut descend to the Grfineggfirn and climb easy

snow slopes (possibly some bare ice low down) to the broad col. 2hr


91        FROM THE EAST

F          From the Finsteraarhorn hut descend to the Fiescher glacier and

cross it (crevasses) before climbing easy snow slopes to the broad

col. 1.5hr



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