Klein Wannenhorn 3706.7m

S Taylor, W Gladstone and C Parker with F Schwick and J Tannler,

23 Aug 1866

This is the high point at the S end of the group of mountains known

as the Walliser Fiescherhorner, well seen from the Eggishorn and

Bellwald. The whole group is infrequently climbed in summer.

This is not because of any poor quality of climbing but more likely

the fact that there are so many peaks close by which surpass the

4000m contour.



TD       G Harr, M Niedermann, E Niifand H Zurfluh, 20 July 1975

This is a750m high granite pillar terminating on the S ridge close to the

summit. A fine climb especially in its upper part. Pitons are in place. The

climb can be abandoned at about3500m by a 20m abseil onto the tiny

glacier to the S. A steep snow/ice slope leads to a small col between

Pt 3481m and the Kl Wannenhorn.

From the bivouac referred to in Route 83 climb the moraine and

either the E or W bank (according to the state of crevasses) of the

small glacier. Reach the start of the climb at a snow/scree couloir

)depending on the season) which starts at an enormous tower

detached from the SE wall. Climb the couloir or cracks 15m S of it

(3m of IV+) and reach the tongue of the hanging glacier. Ascend

diagonally R and get back onto rock 60m above the start.

Climb up R and traverse into a rocky couloir which cuts

through the lower wall. Climb it for 200m (II, III, 20m of IV) to

easier and less steep ground. Climb the couloir which comes from

another big tower. 80m below the tower leave the couloir on the R

and traverse for 1 pitch to the R across a slabby step (III). Move up

L into a couloir, which narrows to chimney proportions in places

before it eventually merges with the slopes near the crest. Climb it

for 2 pitches to a ledge (bits of V+). Another 2 pitches lead to the

crest (V, some V+, AO). Follow the crest to its junction with the S

ridge (III, IV). Climb this ridge to the summit (IV). 9hr from the

foot of the ridge

Descend the ridge NW towards the Gr Wannenhorn (F) and

from the saddle descend the S branch of the Wannenhorn glacier to

the Aletsch glacier.


Fiescher Gabelhorn 3875.8m


P and C Montandon, 8 Aug 1889

The mountain has an airy, rocky, double summit. These are

separated by an impressive gap which proves quite difficult to cross.



AD       O Hug and A Simmen, 12 Aug 1922

57        A pleasant outing from the Finsteraarhorn hut.

From the hut cross the glacier almost S and pass S of the rock

buttress below Pt 3291.3m. Climb the easy snow slopes to the col at

3532m. From the col more easy snow slopes lead to the ridge which

is followed more or less on the crest all the way (bits of III, some

difficulties can be avoided on the L). 4hr



AD       The ridge, starting at the Wyssnollen and ending at the Kl Wannenhorn,

57        E provides a long but easy high level traverse over mixed terrain and with

little company. If the Fiescher Gabelhorn is missed out the route is a little

easier. It can be started from the Konhordia or Finsteraarhorn huts and

can be left at various points.

From either hut reach the Grunhornhicke by Route 90 or 91 and

climb scree and snow slopes to the summit of the Wyssnollen

(3595m) in 1hr. Descend to the col at Pt 3532m and climb the NE

ridge of the Fiescher Gabelhorn as for Route 86 (2hr). Descend the

SE ridge, avoiding a step at half-height on the E flank, to the col

before the Schonbilhlhorn. This same point can be reached from the

Wyssnollen by turning the foot of the E ridge of the Fiescher

Gabelhorn and climbing the snow slope beyond it to the col.

From the co1climb the snow ridge to the W summit of the

Schonbiiblhorn and then cross the near horizontal crest, via 4

gendarmes, to the E summit (3845m, interesting). 192hr from the

Fiescher Gabelhorn. Descend easily to the next col and pass 2

towers on the W side to another, slightly higher col at the start of

the NW ridge of the Gr Wannenhorn. Climb the first step easily,

partly on the crest and partly on snow on the L. The second step is

quite airy but with good holds on the crest (II-III). The final step is

steep and exposed at the top with a few difficult but well protected

moves. A few gendarmes are then traversed to the summit

(3905.9m). 1.5 hr

Cross snow to the S summit and descend SE on snow slopes as

far as a gendarme on the SE ridge. Turn this on the E side and climb

onto the ridge via a slab. Go down the ridge passing another

gendarme on the W side then climb the spiky ridge to a snow dome.

Reach the col beyond by easy rocks and snow (1-1 .5 hr). The N

ridge of the K1Wannenhorn can be climbed easily in 20min.

Descend the S branch of the Wannenhorn glacier to the

Aletsch glacier and Miirjelessee (2.5 hr) from where a path leads

easily to the Kilhboden cable station. Allow 12-15hr in all



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