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Wannenzwillinge 3481m and 3432m


These are twin peaks on the ridge running S from the KI

Wannenhorn, only the higher one being given a spot height on the

map. The E ridges provide some good rock climbing, on granite, in

a remote high mountain setting. There is a convenient bivouac by

Flesch (Pt 2028.6m) on the W side of the Fiescher glacier. It is also

possible to bivouac at about 2550m in the Sulzbach basin reached

from Fieschertal, alternatively start at the Burg hut.


83        EAST RIDGE OF POINT 3481M

TD-      C Blum and H Grossen, 3 Aug 1975

A good free climb on sound granite. About 600 m of climbing.

From the bivouac at Flesch climb the crest of the R hand moraine

and then the small glacier below the Kl Wannenhorn to the couloir

between the two ridges. Cross the bergschrund (difficult) and about

30m higher leave the couloir and cross grassy ledges to the ridge at a

shoulder. Climb the first step on the N side by a couloir/chimney

system and slabs (one pitch of IV) back to the ridge. Continue up

the ridge (sometimes snow) and climb a gendarme (IV) to attain the

foot of a big step.

Climb the first 70m of the step by starting up a diedre, then

climbing a cracked slab just on the N side of the rounded crest.

Next make a rising traverse across a 20m steep slab (V) then climb

35m R wards in a crack (V+, several pitons). More slabs (easier)

lead to a diagonal chimney/crack which is climbed (V). At the top

traverse to a window. Get back onto the crest by a short crack on the

L. Climb an overlap with aid, then straight up (V+) to where a 25m

crack (IV+) leads to an easing of the angle. Four more pitches lead

to the top (III, IV). 7hr from the foot of the ridge

Descend by the N ridge and the Wannenhorn glacier on the

W side to the Aletsch glacier or, to return to the bivouac, descend

the couloir between the ridges (stone fall) and abseil over the



84        EAST RIDGE OF POINT 3432m

D+       P Flihndrick and P Nigg, 18 July 1979

Somewhat easier than the previous route. Most dificulties are about lV

with the odd bit of lV+ and V-- and long, easier sections.

From the bivouac at Flesch climb up the R hand moraine by its

crest and then the small glacier towards the ridge close to Pt 2681m.

Get onto the terrace above the rounded base by a series of cracks

and diddres on the L at the weakest point. Cross the grassy terrace

R wards (c l00m) to a diedre about 30m L of the base of the ridge.

Climb the diedre for 3 pitches then continue easily up the

ridge (possibly snow) to a slabby, 40mhigh shoulder. Climb this by

flakes then move up easy ground to the next step which is climbed

by a widening chimney (back and foot). Broken rock leads to a

gendarme whose top is the shape of a hare's ear. A crack and short

traverse lead to the gap 20mbelow the top of the gendarme.

Traverse L and then climb up to belay in the 'ear'. Follow the edge

for a few meters, descend 4m on the N side to a horizontal ledge

then move R to the gap behind the gendarme.

The sometimes snowy ridge continues to the next spiral-like

tower. Climb this, at first on the L over rocks interspersed with

grass, then slant up L for 40m on flakes (the corrugated wall). From

a short earthy terrace descend 15m to a small1edge and climb a

diidre to a belay a bit higher than the earthy terrace. Next climb

slabs under a grey overhang and traverse L into a couloir. Climb the

rib on its L before following the ridge to the next tower (possibly on


Climb first on the L of the edge for 80m to a platform. Under

a jagged edge follow cracks and slabs to a stance on the W side of the

tower. Abseil 15m to a horizontal section of ridge. The next tower

has a deep chimney, 60m high, in its SE flank. Descend L to its foot

and climb it, passing outside several jammed blocks at 50m. Next

climb a shallow dibdre R wards followed by a small roof to get back

to the crest. Keep on the crest to a short wall on the L of a big slab.

Climb the wall and then the crest to the top of this tower before

abseiling down a vertical wall to the next gap.

Avoid another gendarme on the N side before the next step.

Climb this on loose rock on the N side for two pitches (delicate) and

then traverse 15 m into a grey diedre which leads R to a niche. Climb

the detached slab to the L to a dibdre with an embedded block (the

Blade). Climb the block and reach a fist-sized crack on the L and

climb to the crest. 50mof loose rock/snow lead to the summit rocks.

Climb slabs on the R to a wide ledge which merges into the rock

wall on the L. Climb the wall, where there is a lot of quartz, to a

V-shaped gap (piton protection). The last pitch is up the crest on

superb rock. 6-9hr from the foot of the ridge.

Descend the W side for a few meters, abseil 20m down a

diadre then climb down easily on the R to snow and down to the

Aletsch glacier. Or, as for Route 82, descend the couloir between

the ridges.



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