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Agassizjoch 3749m


First recorded crossing NE-SW, J Hornby, T Philpott and

F Morshead with C Almer, C Lauener and J Anderegg, 7 July 1866

A high pass connecting the Walliser Fiescherfirn and the Finsteraar

glacier. Useful as a means of crossing between the Schreckhorn and

Finsteraarhorn huts in conjunction with the Finsteraarjoch, or

linking the latter hut with the Aar bivouac.



F          From the Finsteraarhorn hut climb, after a short descent to the

glacier, the L bank of the Walliser Fiescherfirn until below a rock

buttress beneath Pt 3406m. Just beyond this climb NE up snow

slopes to the col (usually quite crevassed) taking care to keep to the

L in the middle part of the climb to avoid possible icefall from the

R.2-2.5 hr


79        FROM THE EAST

AD       This is a straightfonoard but fairly steep snow/ice slope. There is

avalanche danger after fresh snow.

From the Finsteraarjoch (Route 64 to 65) traverse horizontally S to

the foot of the snow/ice couloir leading to the col. Coming from the

Aar bivouac it is not necessary to go to the Finsteraarioch. Climb up

the middle of the couloir, cross the bergschrund and at about 3500m

climb onto rocks on the R side which leads out onto the face of the

Agassizhorn. Climb the rocks until about 100mbelow the ridge

then traverse L across snow couloir and climb the rocks on its S side

to just above the col. If snow conditions are favourable it is possible

to climb the couloir all the way. 2hr

In descent take the second rocky rib to the N of the col, the

first one is short and merges with the couloir after a short distance.


Agassizhorn 3953m


W. Coolidge with U Almer and C Inabnit, 7 Sept 1872

A nice peak but rather overshadowed by its mighty neighbour.



F          Firstascentparty

From the Finsteraarhorn hut follow Route 78 towards the

Agassizjoch. Before reaching the co1climb the S flank onto the ridge

which leads easily to the summit. 3.5 hr



TD       F Egger and B Lauterberg, 23 July 1913

About 650m of climbing in a remote situation, the first half being

Quite easy.

From the foot of the ridge, situated between the E foot of the

Agassizjoch and the Finsteraarjoch, ascend easily to about mid-

height, sometimes on one flank and sometimes the other. Climb

over a gendarme and by-pass another on the L to reach a high step.

Avoid this by climbing on the NW flank to a level slab. Get back

onto the ridge above the step (exposed) and climb it, passing a slim

tower on the L. From the gap below the summit rocks, climb direct

for 20m (exposed) then slant up L on broken rock.

7-8hr from the start


Strahlhorn 30265.5m


A rocky peak at the S end of the Walliser Fiescherhorner which is

gaining some popularity with the opening of hut accommodation at



82        STRAHLGRAT

PD       M. Bruce and A Sloman with J Elsig, 6 Aug 1912

This is the long ridge running due S from Pt 3186.9m and terminating at

the Strahlhorn summit. There are several tops on the ridge, all higher

than the Strahlhorn itself, and once on the ridge it is actually descended

to the S trahlhorn. There are difficulties of II to III on sound rock.

From the Gletscherstuba hut (or Kilhboden) follow a track to

Miirjelewang then head N over meadows and scree slopes to reach

the small glacier at the S end of the Walliser Fiescherhorner. Climb

the glacier NW to reach a snow saddle on the ridge. Turn SW and

follow the crest of the ridge with no particular difficulties over all

the summits of the Strahlgrat. It is best to stay on the crest and to

avoid the flanks. 4hr

To descend, follow the ridge SSW and then later head SE over

grassy slopes to Miirjela.



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