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76        EAST RIB

TD       O Briigger and H Winterberger with H Kohler, 29 Sept 1929

55        A shorter and much safer route than the NE rib, having excellent rock on

all the steep sections, the lower and very unstable part being avoided

altogether by starting at the Obers Studerfoch. The rib falls from the

summit and bifurcates at about 4000 m. The route takes the R-hand rib to

this point. Pitches of lT fairly serious.

From the Oberaarjoch hut climb the Studer glacier to the foot of the

rib at a deep couloir which originates at a saddle to the L of the first

gendarme on the rib. 2hr

Climb the couloir but leave it as soon as possible on the R

(better rock but more difficult) or on the L (loose but easy) and

reach the saddle (stone fall danger to here). Climb the rib over a

series of gendarmes, all taken direct, to an unclimbable one (shiny

gneiss). Avoid it on the L by a diedre/crack. Above, the rib peters

out at a level section into the face above. Climb for one more pitch

and then reach another rib on the L, at a gap R of a pointed

gendarme, by making a rising traverse on mixed ground to below

the gap. Climb direct to the gap via rock, snow and an icy scoop.

From the gap climb another series of gendarmes, which can be

avoided on the L when too difficult to climb direct, to a few meters

from the summit. 8-9hr, 10-11hr from the hut



D         Meyer's party in 1812 but probably to a fore-summit. First to the

summit: H Cordier's party with J Anderegg, 1876. Integral:

H Pfindler, F Suter and G Bohren, 9 Aug 1923

The ridge is 27/2km long, starting at the Gemschlicke, but can be joined

at various points along its length from the W or E sides. Undoubtedly one

of the finest ridge climbs in the Oberland if not in the whole of the Alps.

The difficulties, where they occur, are on rock which is interspersed with

sections of snow. The main problem with the climb is its length, in case

of a change in the weather. However, just as it can be joined at various

points, so it can be abandoned.

It can be divided into three distinct sections: the first is from the

Gemschlicke to a snow col NE of Pt 3604m which is at the top of a

hanging glacier on the E side; the next has 3 evenly separated towers and

ends on snow N of the last tower above another hanging glacier on the E

side; the last climbs steeply to the fore-summit and is then almost

horizontal, but jagged, before a last short step to the summit. See also

photos 54 and 55.

From the Gemschlicke reach the foot of a 40m high wall by scree

slopes on the L or snow slopes on the R. The wall is split from top to

bottom by a crack. Start 6m L of this at a parallel but shorter crack

which is climbed for 10m before a narrow sloping line L allows the

L edge of the wall to be gained. Follow the edge R wards to a small

stony shoulder (mainly II-III). Easier climbing on the ridge with a

few, more difficult, gendarmes leads to Pt 3604 m. 2.5 hr

Descend to the snow col beyond. The first tower follows and

is climbed on the crest (III, exposed). Make a short descent before

traversing a smaller gendarme and reaching the foot of the second

tower. Climb this on the R keeping close to the crest (II). 1 .5 hr

Continue along a fine snow crest, with a few rocks protruding,

to the top of the third tower. More snow and rocks follow to a

distinct steepening from where good rock leads to the f ore-summit

(4167m). 1.5 hr

Keep on the crest now (exposed but almost horizontal) over a

number of small gendarmes to a snowy gap before the final step.

Traverse L onto the W flank and cross a 5m slab on poor holds (III)

to reach a steep chimney. Climb this for 12m (III) before moving L

onto a snow and rock crest and the summit. 2hr, about 8hr for the


Alternative approaches to the ridge on the E side are:

1 By the hanging glacier to the col N of Pt 3604m. AD, 2hr

2 By the rib leading to the summit of the second tower. AD,

3.5 -4.5 hr

3  By the NE snow slopes of the second tower. AD, 4-4.5 hr

4  By the rib S of the upper hanging glacier. AD, 4-4.5 hr

All times are from the Oberaarjoch hut to the ridge

Alternative approaches to the ridge on the W side are:

1  To the col N of Pt 3604 m. AD

2  To the gap between the second and third towers. AD

3  The 'Siidroute' which joins the ridge between the third tower

and the fore-summit:

From the Finsteraarhorn hut follow Route 73 to Pt 3231.3m

then climb NE up the glacier to the foot of the SW ridge of the fore-

summit. Descending from the SE ridge in the bay on the R of this

ridge, are two snow couloirs. Climb the rib between the couloirs to

the ridge N of the third tower. AD, 5hr



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