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Strahlegg Pass c3340m


R Meyer with A Abblihl and K Huber, 3 Sept 1812

A high pass providing the easiest high level crossing between

Grindelwald and the Grimsel Pass and access to the Schreckhorn

from the Aar bivouac. It is steep on the E side and descent of this

side should be avoided in the afternoon.


49        FROM THE WEST

F          From the Schreckhorn hut follow the track to the site of the old

Strahlegg hut across moraine and snow patches (1hr). A good track

leads steeply up into the coombe to the E and is followed to an easy

angled rock ridge. Climb it to a snowy shoulder at about 3200m.

Head up now to the foot of a rock ridge descending SW from

Pt 3428m and, keeping to the R (S) of this ridge, reach the col by

less steep slopes. 2 hr, 3 hr in all.


50        FROM THE EAST

PD      From the Aar bivouac descend to the Strahlegg glacier and climb up

to the top of the central moraine. Follow this for about 500m before

descending onto the clean glacier on the L. Keep more or less in the

centre of the glacier, and where it begins to steepen turn NW to

reach the bergschrund at the foot of the snow couloir leading to the

col. Cross it where practicable (often on the R) then climb the

couloir, crossing some loose rock / scree on the R near the top. 3hr


Lauteraarhorn 4042m


E Desor, A Escher and C Girard with M Bannholzer, D Brigger,

Fahner, J Leuthold and J Madutz, 8 Aug 1842

Along with its twin, the Schreckhorn, this forms a most impressive

sight from just about every aspect. It is one of the more difficult

4000 meters to climb on account of its remoteness, the approach to its

base from any direction being a lengthy undertaking. The building

of the Aar bivouac hut has increased its popularity and it is

frequently ascended from here. The mountain has three ridges on

which much of the rock is bad except for the top 100m or

thereabouts. Consequently good rock is found on the NW ridge

(Lauteraargrat) linking it with the Schreckhorn.

Red line: S-face Couloir and SE Ridge

Red dots: Rocky west (right) edge of S- face Couloir

Yellow line: Normal route (SW-ridge, b and SW-ridge with "band", a) from the Schreckhorn-hut

Yellow dots: Traverse from Lauteraarhorn to Schreckhorn and descend from Schreckhorn via the normal route



AD-     First ascent party

This is the ordinary route on the mountain and the means of a fairly quich

ascent if conditions are favorable, but there is little to recommend it

apart from the last 100m or so of climbing on the SE ridge. Since the

route is S facing the snow quickly softens and this can make descent a

problem. There is also avalanche danger after fresh snow (it was the

scene of a major accident in the mid I 980s). Wet snow-slides down the

face are frequent and the runnels made by these should be avoided (the

snow is at all soft. In such circumstances it is better to avoid the face and

keep to the shattered rock crest on its W side either in ascent or descent.

From the Aar bivouac descend to the glacier and climb to the crest

of the central moraine. Walk up this for about 500m then descend to

the L onto bare ice. Continue up the glacier, over a crevassed zone,

to the foot of a triangular snow slope below the couloir (1 .5 hr).

Climb the slope and the rock band above it to another snow slope,

then another rock band above that to reach the foot of a broad

snowfield. Climb this trending L towards a narrow couloir. Climb

this (steeper) and the snow slopes above, now keeping to the L, to

finish on the ridge on the L just below a large gendarme on the SE

ridge. Climb snow on the L of the gendarme to get onto the SE

ridge at a gap beside the gendarme (it is also possible to gain the SE

ridge on the R of the gendarme and traverse it to reach the same

point). 2.5 -3hr

Superb rock scrambling leads to the summit in about 30min.

About 4.5 -5 hr in all

In descent it is possible to follow the ridge on the W side of

the face to the foot of the narrow couloir mentioned in the ascent.

Below this point the snow is easier angled and less dangerous when

soft than on the higher slopes.



TD-     A Rubi and Miss M O'Brien, ca 1930

The ridge rises in 3 distinct sections from the Strahlegg Pass. The first of

these is fairly straightforward and fairly level. The next is rather loose

and is steeper but still quite easy. The last section of about 300m is the

raison d'itre' of the climb. Here the rock is good and steep although the

difficulties are not excessive. Not often climbed.

From the Schreckhorn hut or Aar bivouac follow Routes 49 or 50 to

the Strahlegg Pass (3hr). From the pass climb towards Pt 3428m

and reach the start of the ridge. Follow it without any real difficulty,

mainly on its W flank until the ridge loses itself in the W flank of the

first big step. Now climb gradually R wards for 3 pitches up steep

but fairly loose ground to regain the ridge. Now keep to the ridge as

far as the foot of the steep third section where the difficult climbing


A few meters L of the ridge climb a chimney/crack system for

1 pitch (IV, V). Get back onto the ridge and continue to a shoulder

below the final steep section and directly below the summit.

Traverse L for 10m, then up to reach a crack on the L. Climb this

and join another crack on the R which leads back to the ridge.

Climb the last step direct to the summit (V). Shr from the Strahlegg


Lauteraarhorn east ridge and north face



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