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Lauteraahorn 4042 m.



48        G Lammer solo, 3 Aug 1885


The most direct route from the Schreckhorn hut, it avoids the difficulties

Of the SW ridge and enjoys the best part of the S face couloir route. Not

particularly pleasant.

From the Schreckhorn hut follow Pt 52 to the foot of the third

section of the SW ridge. From here traverse across the S face below

the steep summit wall, at first descending a short couloir and then

crossing ribs and couloirs as far as an easy but loose couloir which

leads up to the SE ridge. Follow this as for Route 51 to the summit.

About 7hr

In descent the point at which the S face traverse is started is

not easy to find if you have not already climbed this way. It is worth

descending the ridge to the E of the loose couloir until you can see

the shoulder on the SW ridge. The traverse across the face is at the

height of the shoulder. In this way you should avoid a tempting

higher traverse line which disappears into difficult terrain.


Lauteraahorn 4042 m.


D+       H Kuntze with P and R Bernet, 24 July 1902 and on the same day

50        G Bell with H and U Fuhrer

The climb is described from the Schrecksattel but is probably best

combined with an ascent of the SW ridge and a descent ofthe SE ridge of

the Schreckhorn (Routes 57 and 56) to make a magn(ficent, but lengthy

traverse ofthe twin peaks. The ridge itselfis saw-toothed with many

small gendarmes. Since both flanks of the ridge are loose it is advisable to

keep the crest over all the obstacles.

From the Schrecksattel (3914m) follow the crest as closely as

possible all the way. The most difficult step is a 4-5m high tower

which lies between the first and second steeper parts of the ridge.

This is climbed either on the L or the R side (III+). 4-5hr


D+       W Baumgartner and H Schneider, 2 Aug 1907

50        This is a fine remote climb on good gneiss which is rather delicate if it is

not free from snow. From Pt4011m the summit is easily reached.

From the Lauteraar hut climb the Lauteraar glacier by Route 47 to

the level of the foot of the ridge. Get onto Pt 2995.2m by rock or

snow from the L. Now continue easily on snow to about 3450m. Get

onto the rock ridge ahead from the L and follow it, making short

deviations to the L to the top of a rock triangle. Keep to the crest

from here to Pt 4011m. Keep to the crest of the NW ridge to reach

the summit of the mountain. 10-12hr

Schreckhorn 4078m

L Stephen, C and P Michel and U Almer, 4 Aug 1861

A splendid mountain whose summit is much sought after. Unlike

most of the Lauteraarhorn, its close neighbour, the rock is of

excellent quality. It also supports a very fine snow/ice route on its N



Shreckhorn 4078m



49        E Von Fellenberg with P Michel, P Infibnit and P Egger, 4 Aug 1864


This was at one time the normal route but it is rarely climbed these days,

partly on account of lack of snow in the couloirs below the sattel, partly

because of the difficulty in crossing the bergschrund and also the

difficulty of climbing the Elliottswengli on the SE ridge. Below the sattel

the route is exposed to stone fall and snow-slides (especially in descent). It

is described here as a means (when conditions allow) of reaching the

Schrecksattel in order to climb the NW ridge of the Lauteraarhorn. The

ESE ridge is described in descent for the combined Schreckhorn-

Lauteraarhorn traverse. See also photos48 and 50

From the Schreckhorn hut follow Pt 57 to the foot of the couloir

leading to the Schrecksattel (3.5 -4hr). Cross the bergschrund and

climb the snow slope into the couloir. Climb R wards on a rock

buttress, which is easy, as far as the bend in the couloir. Now follow

the couloir back L to the sattel. 1 .5 -2hr

To descend from the Schreckhorn summit by the ESE ridge

follow the ridge to a fore-summit to the SE then follow the ridge

creston good rock to a small gap at the start of a steeper section that

has a number of small gendarmes along it. These are passed on the

L (N) side on steep snow or ice (Elliottswengli- named after

J Elliott who fell from here in July 1869). There are several pitons

in place. The ridge then leads easily down to the Schrecksattel.

1.5 -2hr



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