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Lauteraarsattel 3125m


J Berger and M Girard, July or Aug 1842

A magnificent glacier pass between the Niissihorn and the

Barglistock, linking the Lauteraar glacier to the SE with the Oberer

Grindelwald glacier to the NW. The approach route from the

Gleckstein hut has been made safer and easier to follow by the

construction of a new path. There is a good bivouac site at the pass.



PD       M Bannholzer and J Jaun, 31 Aug 1844

From the Gleckstein hut descend a little to the path heading

towards Beesiblirgli and take the R fork (red and white way-

marking). The path descends gradually to reach the edge of a big

gully. Go down into the gully (cable and man made steps). This is

the lowest point and there follows an ascent of moraine, scree and

grass to a band of rock which has a fixed cable to aid its crossing. At

this point the old route is joined at about 1hr from the hut. Continue

climbing steadily before finally reaching a track descending

gradually R to a terrace close to the glacier just below Pt 2662m. 2hr

Climb the the easy angled but very crevassed glacier to the flat

upper part below the col. Climb up to the col passing between or to

the L of 2 rocky areas (steep). 2 hr., 4-5 hr. in all.



F          First ascent party

From the Lauteraar hut descend (fixed cables etc) SW to the

Unteraar glacier and climb this WNW keeping close to the central

moraine. Continue up the Lauteraar glacier and the steep and

crevassed upper slopes to the bergschrund. This can be very wide

and the crossing point varies from year to year. If it can't be crossed

directly below the col it may be possible further R (E). Snow or ice

lead to the col. 4-5hr



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