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Gaulipass c3200m


E Desor with J Leuthold, 1841

The pass is probably the easiest passage between the Lauteraar and

Gauli huts, but not the shortest. The pass itself is not the lowest

point on the ridge between the Trifthorn and Ewigschneehorn but

the wide depression between the latter and Pt 3217m.


23        FROM THE SOUTH

F          From the Lauteraar hut follow Route 47 to about 2500m on the

Lauteraar glacier and then cross to the R side by Pt 2561.7m. From

here a track leads up to the Gaulipass (c3200m), which is reached by

climbing a rocky couloir. 4-5 hr


24        FROM THE EAST

PD       From the Gaulihut follow Route 13 onto the Gauli glacier and cross

this SW to the Grienbargli glacier. Climb this glacier, heading for

the upper part of the SE ridge of the Ewigschneehorn, and reach the

col by a short but steep rock section. 4hr


Ewigschneehorn 3329.4m


E Desor with J Leuthold, 1841

This peak provides an interesting excursion between the Lauteraar

and Gaulihuts.


25        TRAVERSE

PD       The traverse can be made with equal ease in either direction but is

described from S to N.

From the Lauteraar Hut follow Route 23 to the Gaulipass. 4-5hr

Follow the ridge, comprised of large blocks of gneiss, easily to

the summit (20min). Now descend the NE ridge (Grienbargligrat)

which is reached from the summit by a steep snow slope. Go down

the narrow crest of the ridge until close to Pt 2686.3m, where a

short steep couloir allows the slopes of Grienbargli to be reached.

Descend to the E foot of Grienbitrgli and cross the Gauli glacier NE

to the foot of an 80m high couloir, which is climbed easily on

polished rock- some stone fall danger. Walk along a scree covered

terrace and join the path leading down to the Gaulihut. 3-4hr, 7.5-

9.5 hr in all.


Blirglistock 3655.6m


C Aebi with P Egger and P Inabnit 26 Sept 1864

This is a fairly remote summit and quite a long way from any hut

base, and consequently it is infrequently climbed. Maybe a good

reason to do it!


26        NORTH RIDGE

AD      W Graham with P Baumann father and son, 30 Sept 1886

Can be climbed starting from either the Dossen or Gauli huts. Both

approaches are described.

From the Dossen hut follow Route 31 over the summit of the

Dossen to the Riinfenjoch. Easy snow slopes lead SSW past

Pt 3250m to Rosenegg. 4-5hr

From the Gauli hut take the path towards Chammliegg but

where the path turns SE, keep to a ravine going roughly SW. Pass

under Pt 2610m on a terrace which leads, with a short descent, to

the Gauli glacier near Pt 2589m. Follow the edge of the glacier NW

to the snow slope below Watterlimi. Gradually swing round to the

W and pass to the L of  Pt 3250m from where Rosenegg is easily

reached. 4-5 hr

Now go S, keeping on the snow to the E side of the N ridge, as

far as the Barglijoch. Some good climbing over a couple of

gendarmes, then mixed snow and rock and finally snow, leads to the

summit.2.5 hr, 6.5- 7.5hr in all


27        SOUTH RIDGE

D         Either J Earle and M Brodley with M Kohler, 4 Aug 1905 or

F Pollock with P Baumann and P Rubi, 26 Aug 1868

This is climbed from the Lauteraarsattel which is approached from either

the Gleckstein or Lauteraar huts


Reach the Lauteraarsattel by Route 46 or 47 (4-5hr). From here

keep to the W of Pt 3250m then, by a subsidiary ridge with a short

sharp section, get onto the SSW ridge. Coming from the Lauteraar

side this point can be reached by a snow couloir. Cross a narrow

snow couloir and climb rocks on its R bank, which transform into a

distinct ridge, as far as a tower barring the way ahead. Get into the

narrow couloir on the L, climb it for a little way then leave it on the

L side, where easy climbing leads to the S ridge at a gap by the S

summit. From the gap exposed climbing (III with bits of IV--) on

some gendarmes leads to the main summit. 4hr, 8-9hr in all





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