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Alplistock 2877.4m


F Gardiner with R and P Almer, 4 July 1905

Situated immediately N of the Bachlital hut this has a double

summit, the E one being lower (2818m) and some 400m from the W summit.



AD+    Probably E Liechtiand H Vogeli, Sept 1930

An excellent climb.

From the Blichlital hut follow the path W for about 100m then turn

N and climb up into the stony coombe below the S face, at first up a

gully system and then over slabs. Slant up L to a couloir which leads

to the W ridge of the W summit. Climb the couloir and the ridge,

over large granite blocks, to the W summit. 2-2.5 hr

Pass under a block very close to the S ridge and reach the first

gap in the ridge joining the 2 summits. Cross a slab to a 10m high

tower, which is climbed direct, then continue along the crest over

gendarmes to a steep drop. Abseil 15m on the N side to another gap.

Follow the crest to the last gendarme, which overhangs on the N

side. Pass it by abseiling 20m on the N side or climb up its S rib to

reach an abseil point and then descend 15m. Continue on the ridge

to the E summit. Most of this is III with some IV. 3hr

Descend SE down couloirs and short walls until it is possible

to work back under the SE ridge of the E summit. Descend to

Pt 2319m and then to the hut in a few more minutes. 1 hr, about

7hr in all


Hiendertelltihorn 3179.4m


C Montandon and H Kilmmerli, 24 Sept 1888

An impressive peak with very well defined ridges, the most

accessible and probably best being the E ridge. The NW ridge can

be climbed from the Gauli hut (AD-) in about 5 hr, whilst the others

are approached from the Grueben hut. The S ridge is PD+ and the

N ridge is AD-, both require about 4hr.


20        EAST RIDGE

D         H Anderegg, F Lodwiz, W Preiswerk and H Zilrcher, Aug 1937

44        A good climb on sound granite.

From the Grueben hut climb the Grueben glacier to the foot of the

ridge, or go more directly from the flat part of the glacier over the

rock band which projects into the glacier from the N. Move round

the NE side and find, at about 2800m, an easy line leading L onto

the ridge just above its blunt nose. This position can be gained by

climbing the blunt nose of the ridge starting in a diedre 30m L of its

foot. Climb this diedre to its top and then gain the crest of the ridge

via 2 small overhangs (V).

Climb the first step (piton) then an easy ramp to its end. On

the R climb a steep 10m crack then move L (piton) to a belay (IV+)

Move straight up the ridge for 40m (IV+ then IV) then avoid the

next step on the E side and regain the crest. Follow it to a steep

tower about 50m from the fore-summit. Turn this on the R about

10m below the crest (delicate, IV, pitons) or on its L side into a

couloir (III). Continue up a couloir on the N flank to a gap, before

climbing some small gendarmes to the summit. About Shr

Descend the route, abseiling where necessary, or go down the

S ridge to a col and from there get onto the Grueben glacier to rejoin

the approach route.





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