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Altmann 3468m


T von Hahn with F Amatter and F Kaufmann, 8 Aug 1907

An unimportant summit best climbed in combination with a

traverse of the Studerhorn. See Route 66.


Grunerhorn 3438m and Scheuchzerhorn 3462m


E J Hiiberlin with A and J Weissfluh, 30 July 1872


6          TRAVERSE

D/PD   The two peaks can be combined in a traverse starting from the Aar

bivouac or the Oberaarioch hut. From the former it is more difficult on

the excellent NW ridge of the Grunerhorn.

From the Aar bivouac cross the Finsteraar glacier to the foot of the

ridge (2714m). Get onto the ridge crest by slanting up Rwards over

snow and rock slopes. Easy climbing leads to a sharp snow arete

which is followed to the SW ridge. Continue on this to the summit

of the Grunerhorn. 3-4hr

From the Oberaarjoch hut climb down to the col and then

cross the upper slopes of the Oberaar glacier N wards. Pass below

the two projecting ridges descending from Pts 3500m and 3437m

and climb the fairly steep snow slope SE of the summit of the

Grunerhorn to join the SW ridge. 2.5 hr

From the summit descend the NE ridge and skirt round

Pt 3377.9mon its S side (can traverse it but an unpleasant steep

ridge has to be descended) to a col at the foot of the W ridge of the

Scheuchzerhorn. Climb this on mixed rock and snow to the

summit. 1hr

Follow the NE ridge which curves E to the Scheuchzerioch.

There is one short, but steep, S facing snow slope to avoid the rock

of Pt 3352m. 30min

Descend to the Oberaarjoch hut or the Lauteraar hut by

Route 7. Allow 6hr for the round trip from the Oberaarioch hut and

8-9hr from the Aar bivouac.


Scheuchzerjoch 3072m


First traverse by E von Fellenberg with J Tiinnler and B Marti,

6  Sept 1877

The pass provides a means of connecting the Lauteraarhorn and

Oberaarjoch huts. Fairly popularin spring with ski-tourers. The

Tierberg glacier is quite steep low down and usually bare ice in





From the Lauteraar hut descend to the Unteraar glacier and cross it

to the the foot of the Tierberg glacier. Keep to the L or the R on

entering the coombe and continue to a steepening in the glacier.

Follow the coombe round to the L, to avoid the steepest part on its

E side, and get onto the flatter part of the glacier at about 2800m.

Head SW (crevasses) to the bergschrund below the col. Cross it,

usually on the R, and climb a steep snow slope to the col. If the

bergschrund is too difficult or the slope above it too icy, it is better

to climb the rocks to the E of the slope to the col. 3.5 hr

From the col climb about 100m up the ridge running W then

traverse horizontally SW across the snow coombe. Near the foot of

the SE ridge of the Scheuchzerhorn cross the ridge onto the snow

slopes on its W flank. Contour round the next coombe, passing

below the ridges emanating fromPts 3437mand 3500m, and follow

the glacier below the E flank of the Oberaarhorn to the Oberaarjoch

and hut. 2hr, about 6hr in total


Brandlammhorn (East summit) 3089m


Miss S Koenig, R Koenig and C Montandon, 3 July 1892

The Brandlammhorn has two summits with a distinctive gendarme

separating them. The E summit is the lower. Descending S from the

twin cols between the summits is a steep snow couloir, although

rock becomes exposed at the end of the season and in years of low

winter snow fall.



PD       First ascent party

The route should only be attempted when the couloir is snow-filled.

From the Lauteraar hut follow Route 11 to just below the snow-

patch under the Fellenberglicken. Traverse E again to the

snow/scree slope W of the Brandlammhorn and gain the couloir.

Climb it and its R branch to the col between the E summit and the

gendarme. Continue up the W ridge to the summit. 4-5hr



AD      H Lieberherr and H Stahelwith F von Bergen, July 1946

Good rock climbing with the added attraction of excellent views

over the Grimsellake.

From the Lauteraar hut follow Route 8 to the snow/scree slopes W

of the Brandlammhorn. Descend SE to the foot of an obvious

couloir in the W flank of the ridge (2.5 hr). Climb the rocks on the S

edge of the couloir, keeping as close as possible to it (bits of IV-), to

reach the col just N of Pt 2906m(45min). Follow the ridge crest as

closely as possible (mainly II with bits of III) until about 100m from

the summit, where there is a steep step 15m high (piton belay).

Climb direct for 4m to a small ledge, then make a big step R to a

narrow ledge from which good holds lead back to the crest and a

large block (IV+). Easier climbing leads to the summit. 5-6hr from

the hut




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