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H33     Bietschhorn hut 2565m 629.10/138.26 AAC Bern (SAC ree.

P          rights), 40 beds, week-ends July- Sept. Approach from Wiler or

Blatten in the Lotschental. 3hr


H34     Gspaltenhornhut 2458m630.07/151.34tel.:  033761629SAC,

P          75 beds, July- Aug and week-ends in June and Sept. Approach

from Griesalp in the Kiental. Rather wet in one section. 3hr

Note: the road to Griesalp is a toll road. Pay toll at the bakery

(Blickerei Aellig) in Kiental village or at a caravan further along the

road. There is a bus service.


H35     Blikemlisalp hut 2834m 625.56/151.03 tel.:  033 76 14 37 SAC,

P          100 beds, June-mid Sept. Approach from Kandersteg: walk to

Oeschinensee then via Underbagli and Oberbligli (sign-posts to

Hohturli). 5-6hr. If the lift is used from Kandersteg to LAger take

the upper path to Oeschinensee at the fork then take the next turn L

(sign-posted Hohdirli and Oberbligli). 4hr

An approach can be made from Griesalp in the Kiental by way

of Bundalp. 4hr


H36     Friinden hut 2562m 623.28/148.08 te1033 75 14 33 SAC, 90 beds,

P          July- Aug. Approach from Kandersteg on foot or by lift (to Liiger)

to Oeschinensee. Follow the path on the S side of the lake to the

steep path leading to the hut. 3-5hr. See also photo 92


Berghaus Lauchernalp cl960m sited in the L6tschental N of

Wiler tel.:   028 49 12 50 private, 39 beds. Open summer and winter.


Lotschenpass hut 2690m sited at the pass private, 35 beds. See

Routes 290 and 291


Gfelalp hotel 1847m sited in the Gasteretal on the path to the

Lotschenpass tel.:  033 75 11 61 private. Dormitory accommodation

available June- Oct.


Berggasthaus Heimritz 1635m sited at the end of the road in the

Gasteretal tel.:  . 033 74 14 34 private. Dormitory accommodation

available June- Oct.


H37     Doldenhornhut 1915m 619.87/148.43 tel.:  . 033751660SAC,

P          45 beds, July- Aug and week-ends in May, June and Sept.

Approach from Filfalle S of Kandersteg. 2.5 hr


H38     Balmhorn hut 1955m 619.29/144.45 SAC, 28 beds, week-ends

PE       July-Sept.

Approach from Kandersteg by the road into the Gasteretal (see

Route H32). At the bridge at 1352m take the path to Waldhus,

continue to Pt 1367m and take the R fork before climbing steeply to

the hut. 2-2.5 hr from the bridge


H39     Schwarenbachhotel 2060m 614.30/142.30 tel.:  03375 1272

private, 140 beds. Approach from Kandersteg on foot or by lift to

Sunnbilel then follow an easy path towards the Gemmipass. 1hr

from Sunnbilel. From the Gemmipass take the path on the E side

of the Daubensee. 30min

Wildstrubelhotel 2314m sited 5min below the lift station at the

Gemmipass. A large private establishment with dormitory



H40     Liimmerenhut 2507m 610.48/138.85 tel.:  027612515SAC,

P          78 beds, March - May and July- Sept. The hut was damaged by

avalanche in 1989 but has been rebuilt. Approach from the

Gemmipass. 2hr

Engstligenalp hotel 1954.4m sited a few min from the lift station

at Engstligenalp S of Adelboden tel.:  . 033 73 22 91 or 73 34 51.

Dormitory accommodation available.


H41     Wildstrubel hut 2793m 602.27/136.80 tel.:  030 4 33 39 SAC,

P          74 beds, July- Aug. Approach from Lenk. Bus to Iffigenalp (2hr

on foot) then a way marked path. 3.5 hr


H42     Wildhorn hut 2303m 596.10/136.43 tel.:  030 3 23 82 SAC,

P          125 beds, week-ends in winter and July-mid Sept. Approach

from Lenk. Bus to Iffigenalp (2hr on foot) then an easy path to

the hut. 2.5 hr


H43     Gelten hut 2002m 592.34/135.36 tel.: 030 5 32 20 SAC, 87 beds,

P          July- mid Sept. Approach from Lauenen (SE of Gstaad). A toll

road leads to Bilel near the Lauenensee then on foot. 2hr


H44     Diableretshut 2485m 582.81/131.94 te1025532102SAC,

80 beds, July - mid Sept. Approach from the Col du Pillon by lift

to T&te au Chamois then 5 min walk. On foot from the Col du

Pillon is PE. There are cables on part of the route. 2.5 hr


H45     Ramberthut 2580m 576.52/119.91 tel.: 027271122SAC,

P          44 beds, July - mid Sept. Approach from Ovronnaz (above Riddes

in the Rh6ne valley). Drive up the road towards Odonne to the

bend at 1482m and just after this take a road R and follow it to a

parking place a little higher. A signposted path leads to the hut.

3.5 hr

Note: The dates of opening of huts given above are only a

rough guide. Actual opening and closing dates depend on the

prevailing conditions of weather and mountains.



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