Olmenhorn 3314m


C Grove and C Townley with F Graf and L Zurbrticken, 29 Aug 1886

A rarely visited summit which may gain some interest with the

opening of hut accommodation at Miirjela.



AD    SE ridge: C Blumand L Matter, June 1968. SW flank: first ascent


From Mirjela cross the Grosser Aletsch glacier and climb the slopes

of Olme at least 300mN of Pt 2443.2m. Continue up grassy slopes

to a terrace below Pt 2726m. Move R and climb as high as possible

up a couloir in the first step of the SE ridge, where short grassy

cracks lead to easier ground. Carry on up the ridge to just below

Pt 3211mwhere, at a gap, it is necessary to move onto the SW flank.

Keep as close to the crest as possible over various rock towers,

the last few before the summit are past on the L. A crack on the SW

side permits access to the summit itself. 7hr

Cross the crest to the W summit and descend S to the edge of

a couloir. Descend into the couloir but climb out again as soon as

possible on the W side and continue the descent alongside the deep

couloir to about 2800m. Follow a terrace towards the foot of the SE

ridge, with a short ascent at the end, to regain the route of ascent.

About 5hr, 12hr in all


Dreieckhorn 3810.7m


TBrowne with P Bohren and P Schlegel, 26 Aug 1868

An unimportant summit facing the Konkordia hut across the

Grosser Aletsch glacier. It is sometimes included in a traverse of the

Aletschhorn. The N face provides some good ice-climbing for the N

face novice. The rock on the ridges is loose in places.



PD    E flank: first ascent party

80    The climb can be done in either direction but is described here starting

from the Konkordia hut. Late in the season it may be preferable to climb

the NE ridge in its entirety (PD).

From the Konkordiahut cross the Grosser Aletsch glacier SW to

the N foot of Drittes Dreieck (2951.9m). Climb up rubble and

snow, keeping this point on your L, to reach the unnamed glacier

on the E flank ofthe mountain. Climb it to the snowy shoulder

above Pt 3541m on the NE ridge. Continue up the ridge (steep

snow/ice and easy rock) to the summit. 5-6hr

Descend the W ridge to the Aletschioch. 30min. It is usual to

continue to the summit of the Aletschhorn by Route 217 but

descent can be made to the Mittelaletsch bivouac hut by this route.




D     C Blum and L Matter, 18 Apr 1967

80    Similar climbing is possible on both the N and NW faces, the two being

separated by the NNW ridge (which is AD). Both faces are, in effect,

steep glacier slopes with variable sirac bands. The angle ofeach rises to a

maximum ofabout 55o. Numerous variations ofthe line described are


Reach the foot of the face from the Konkordia hut by crossing

Konkordiaplatz and climbing steepening snow slopes to a height of

about 3000m. Climb up to the L of rocks protruding from the ice

then traverse R above them. Fairly easy slopes lead to a s6rac zone

which is climbed to steeper slopes. Go up these until forced Rwards

onto the NNW ridge from where it is relatively easy to reach the NE

ridge and the summit. 5-7hr




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