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Burstspitza 3195m


A rocky peak at the end of the S ridge of the Lauterbrunnen

Breithorn. The rock is quite slabby and forms a saw-toothed crest

that gives an entertaining climb and makes a good approach to the S

ridge of the Lauterbrunnen Breithorn itself. All the difficulties are

N of the Pt 3119.1m.



AD    E Benecke and H Cohen, 25 July 1894

There are pitches of III, mostly on good rock but a little loose in places.

The climb can be accomplished in a day from Fafleralp.

From Fafleralp follow a path to Guggistafel (1933m) and then turn

N and follow traces of track on the SE flank to gain the ridge called

Gugginburst. Climb this to reach rock then follow the ridge quite

easily to the Pt 3119.1m. 4hr

Continue along the ridge (about 50m of descent) and contour

round an impossible section on the W side before reaching the

summit. Lots of small teeth are now encountered before arriving at

the Burstsattel (3165m, neither name nor height marked on the

map), just before which a split gendarme is turned on the W side.

3hr, about 7hr in all

If returning to Fafleralp it is probably best to retrace the route

from the summit although it is possible to descend from the

Burstsattel(see description of Route 190). To continue on the S

ridge of the Lauterbrunnen Breithorn see Route 190.


Tschingelhorn 3567m


W Hawker with H Feuz and C and U Lauener, 6 Sept 1865

An attractive snow dome dominating the view from the Mutthorn

hut. It has some short pleasant routes which might be attractive to

the alpine novice.




PD    First ascent party

75    From the Mutthorn hut climb snow slopes SW to the col at 3122m.

Follow the snow slopes below the SW ridge to a broad snow-filled

couloir in the S flank. From Fafleralp reach the same place by

climbing the path up the Uistertal and the snow slopes on the W

side of the Chrindelspitza to reach the Usser glacier. Climb this to

the foot of the couloir.

The couloir is subject to stonefall but in good conditions it can

be climbed quickly to the col at its top. Otherwise climb easy rocks

on the E side and finally a snow slope to reach the crest of the SW

ridge a little above the col. The ridge leads easily to the summit.

3-4hr from the hut, 5-6hr from Faf1eralp



AD    K Blodig and W Srauss with G Lorenz snr, 4 Aug 1892

75    The climb follows the SW ridge in its entirety from the saddle at 3214m

and traverses the Chlys Tsingelhorn.



AD    E Hilberli, A and W Scabelland Messerli, 28 July 1911

The climb takes the E side of the couloir leading to the col betwen the

Chlys Tsingelhorn and the main summit. An alternative route to the col

takes the diagonal line across the face of the Chlys Tsingelhorn.




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