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TD    E Feuz and E von Allmen, 31 July 1949

78    A mixed rock and ice climb with much less in the way ofobjective

dangers than the face itself Highly recommended in good conditions (dry

rock on the lower spur, consolidated snow in the middle part and, most

importantly, good snowlice on the upper mixed section which is by far the

hardest part). There is some strac fall danger on the lower part of the

route. It would make a good introduction to the more serious N walls in

the Oberland. The rock is mainly III with bits oflV and the ice is 55.

with one pitch of 60 degree.

From the Schmadrihut a track leads SW to the Breithorn glacier.

Cross this and climb it to the foot of the spur on the R side of the

steep glacier bay below the N face. Climb the rib to a steep narrow

snow terrace which is followed to the R to within 40m of the s6racs.

Climb a corner then make a rising traverse R below a rock wall and

above the ice cliffs. Now, below another set of seracs, climb the

rock wall and then traverse L (mixed) to pass the seracs by their L


Follow a snow/ice slope to mixed ground which is climbed or

avoided on steep snow/ice on the R, until one is forced onto an icy

ribbon L of the rib crest. This leads to the summit ridge. 8-10hr

from the foot of the spur.




ED1   E Schulze and W Welzenbach, 14 Sept 1932. Winter: R Steiger and

78    H Kallen, Jan 1973

Relatively popular at one time, this route suffers from some very poor

rock and there is considerable danger from rock fall especially low on the

route. Nowhere is the rock very difficult but good protection is not easy to

arrange. Possibly best attempted in winter conditions nowadays.

From the Schmadri hut reach the glacier bay at the foot of the face

by Route 192. Climb the L side of this bay then move L onto a ramp

line cutting the bounding buttress (the ramp can be reached easily

from Route 194). From the ramp follow a slabby couloir to its

narrowing then trend R and cross the rock band above by a gully

(delicate). Move up R to another rock band which is crossed to the

lower L edge of a steep ice band.

On the L is a rib which is cut by a chimney/couloir, climb it to

a ledge slanting R. The route now keeps more or less to the rib line

over mixed terrain to the summit. 10-14hr from the bay



TD    D Chervet and R Richardet, 12 Aug 1924

78    The first and probably best route on the N side of the mountain. Quite

serious but not subiect to the objective dangers of the Welzenbach route.

The first ascent party joined the route described at the foot of the upper

part of the spur. This variation is still popular, but by climbing the lower

spur the standard is better maintained throughout. Difficulties on rock

are no more than III but it is friable. The difficulties lie on the mixed

ground or on the rock sections when they are snow covered or verglassed.

Slow parties will not avoid a bivouac. See also photo 77


From the Schmadri hut follow Route 192 to the foot of the buttress

on the E side of the face. Three ribs rise from here. Climb easily up

the central one to where the rock changes from gneiss to limestone.

Now climb a short vertical crack (III-) and a smooth diddre (III-) to

a large overhang. Make a long rising traverse L on debris covered

ledges and up short steps, and take the first opportunity to climb up

past the overhang. Continue straight up on slabs (III, pitons) and

then R wards to reach the crest of the spur. Climb this (snow) onto

the glacier slope above and then to the foot of the upper part of the


The whole of this lower part can be avoided by crossing the

Breithorn glacier to the N foot of the Warmietenhoren (2849m) and

climbing the snow coombe on its W side, which narrows to a

couloir, to the col to its S (some icefall danger). Alternatively climb

more directly to the col from the E side of the Wilrmietenh6ren

(icefall danger). Both ways are fairly easy and can be climbed

quickly. From the col follow the base of a rock step SE to a steep

snow couloir which is climbed (or the rocks on its L) to by-pass the

obstacle. A second rock step is climbed by a short steep rib on the R

before the glacier is reached. Climb this SW to the foot of the upper


Climb over the bergschrund, then directly up the ice slope for

about 60m and then get onto the rock on the R (gneiss again).

Follow the spur to the summit. 8-12hr



D     J Gallet with G and J Kalbermatten and J Rubin, 2 Aug 1896

78    A very good route on good rock but not easy to reach. It can be climbed

from the Breithomioch (not named on LK but reached by the alternative

start to Route 194) or more easily from the Schmadrijoch. Ifapproaching

from the Sa bivouac at the Zen hindri Ligg is recommended. See also

photo 77

Reach the Schmadrijoch by Route 188 or 189. Start up the ridge but

avoid the first rocks on the N side and get back onto the ridge by a

chimney. Descend a short steep wall to a gap then go easily over Pt

3386m. Descend from here to the Breithornjoch (not marked) and

then climb on the crest to Pt 3471m, the last step being avoided on

the S side. Keep to the almost horizontal snow crest (cornices) and

reach the bottom of a 70m high step. Climb most of this on the crest

(III+) but move onto the S flank for the last part. A narrow snow

ridge leads first to the E and subsequently to the main summit.

2-4hr, 6-8hr from the Schmadri hut, 8-10hr from Fafleralp




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