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Lauterbrunnen Breithorn 3784.9m


E von Fellenberg with J Bischoff, P Egger, P Infibnit and P Michel,

31 July 1865 followed 10min later by J Hornby and T Philpott with

CAlmer and C Lauener.

A very attractive mountain which seems quite detached from

surrounding peaks. It has some high-class routes on both rock and

ice. The mountain has three main ridges, each of which is a good

climbin its own right, with reasonably sound rock. It is usual to

combine an ascent of the NE or S ridges with descent of the W

ridge. Of the three faces only the N is of any real interest. It has

some of the most serious climbing on the whole of the

Lauterbrunnen wall on account of the stone fall danger.




D-    Mrs and G Murray with A Supersaxo, 9 Aug 1928

A demanding yet interesting route that is best achieved in combination

with a traverse of the Burstspiza, although it is possible to gain the ridge

atPt3165m(Burstsattel). TherearepitchesoflII.

From Fafleralp follow Route 196 over the Burstspiza to the

Burstsattel. Alternatively walk up the Inners Tal to a height of

about 2300m. Climb NE, up loose stony ground and a small couloir,

to the moraine to the SE of the Inner Tal glacier. The couloir can be

avoided a few m on its L (NW) side. Climb to the top of the moraine

and from there up to the Burstsattel. Shr

From the saddle, sustained but not too difficult climbing

leads to the top of Pt 3656m (3-4hr). There is now a 100m descent

before the final climb to the summit. Go down the ridge until it

becomes impossible. Abseil 25m to a ledge on the W side. Leave

this by a (usually) snowy couloir to a gap. Follow a narrow overhung

ledge on the W side then turn a gendarme on the E side. Make

another abseil (30m) on the W side and reach the narrow snow crest

at the low point.

Climb the rock barrier diagonally R to L to reach an obvious

way ahead. Climb up some slabs to the final snow slopes that lead,

steeply at first, to the summit. 3-4hr, 11-13hr in all, 2hr longer over

the Burstspiza



AD-   First ascent party

78    A very good climb and highly recommended with difficulties of III-. It is

not advisable to try to climb to, or descend from, the Wetterliiche from the

S chmadri hut as the Wetterlitchen glacier can be quite complex. However

If you have done one of the N face routes you will probably not mind

making a descent from here.

From the Mutthorn hut climb to the Petersgrat and contour under

the S face of the Tschingelhorn to the Wetterlticke (3181m). This

can be approached from Fafleralp by following Route 190 to the

Inner Tal glacier and then take a curving line up it to the col in


Pass to the R of the first rocks on the ridge and reach a gap up

snow slopes. Traverse 20m on slabby rocks on the same side then

move up to the crest. Keep to the ridge over Pt 3403m to the foot of

two rock steps. Climb these direct or traverse to a diadre on the S

side and climb this to the crest to avoid the first step. Traverse R

again and climb short steps and a short vertical chimney to avoid the

second. A final obstacle can also be avoided on the R before a snow

crest, which can have a large cornice, leads to the summit. 4-5hr





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