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TD+   E Feuz and K Dahlem, 4 July 1934

The lower part (about 500m) of the face is a steep snowfield tapering

towards the top between icy rock ribs. The upper rock wall has an

obvious pillar and the route takes the R side of this. Most of the

difficulties are on mixed terrain but there is rock of IV-V with poor


From the Schmadrihut follow Route 178 onto the glacier, but cross

this E wards, climbing slightly, and cross the Schmadririgg at about

2600m to reach the S Breidouwenen glacier. Climb this to the foot

of the wall.

Climb to the highest bergschrund and cross it more or less in

the summit fall-line. Climb the snow/ice slope above into the narrow

section to reach the upper rocks. Climb the pillar using ribs slanting

L to R up it. Two overhangs are turned on the R by the edge of the

pillar. From the top of the pillar a snow ridge with a few rocks leads

to the summit. 10hr



D     J Gallet with J Kalbermatten and C Kaufmann, 27 July 1897

A short but interesting climb with one pitch of lV.

From the Hollandia hut follow Route 170 but leave this to reach the

Abeni Flue-Joch. Climb the snow and rock ridge to the summit.

About 4 hr



PD    First ascent party

From the Hollandia hut climb the Abeni Fluefirn (crevassed at first

on the steeper section) along the obvious ramp to below the

Anujoch. Climb to the col (3635m) by a short but steep snow slope.

Climb the ridge, mainly snow and narrow in places, to the fore-

summit. Rocks between the fore-summit and main summit are

delicate if verglassed. 2-3hr

It is possible to climb the Anungrat all the way from the

Hollandia hut. It is D and about 4hr to the Anujoch.


Grosshorn 3754rn


W Summit: F Wyss-Wyss with F Fuchs and C Gertsch,

29 July 1875

Main Summit: E Burckhardt and O Schifferdecker with J Rubin,

P Schlegel and K Schlunegger, 12 Aug 1885

A splendid, remote summit with three distinct ridges and a

prominent subsidiary top to the W. The S ridge is mainly snow and

offers the easiest route. The NE, between the summit and the

Grossioch, has three steep and quite difficult steps and is rarely

climbed (D). The ridge linking the main and W summits is also not

often climbed but is described here. The most important feature of

the mountain is its 1200m high N face on which there are some

quite demanding ice routes.



F     First ascent party

From Fafleralp or the Hollandia hut follow Route 176 onto the

Anun glacier and from there reach the col, Zemhindri Ligg

(3018m), by a steep and partly rocky couloir. Now follow the ridge

N to the summit. The last section, between a fore-summit at 3567m

and the main summit, is very narrow. About 8hr from Fafleralp and

5hr from Hollandia



PD    First ascent party to this summit

From the Schmadrijoch, reached by Routes 188 or 189, climb the

steep snow and rock ridge to about 3350m, where the angle eases

and a snow ridge leads to the W summit at 3671m. Avoid any

difficulties on the S side. 3hr




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