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D     J Farrar and Miss F Wills with P Almer snr and jnr and P Boss,

74    16 July 1924

A very fine snowlice ridge up to 500. The route avoids the rocks forming

the lower part of the ridge although these can be climbed at a higher


From the Rottal hut cross the glacier and climb up it on the W side

of the ridge, avoiding crevasses on the R. Cross the bergschrund

and climb the snow lice slope on the W flank of the ridge to reach the

crest near the last rocks. From here the ridge is steep and narrow

until it merges with a bulging glacier slope which leads to the

summit. 7-8 hr




AD    D Chervet and M Etienne, 23 July 1928

The best climb on the S side of the mountain. It was descended two years

prior to its first ascent.

From the Hollandia hut traverse horizontally NE to below

Pt 3463m. Climb a snow/scree couloir towards the gap between the

last two gendarmes on the ridge until just below the crest. Move L

and climb rocks to the top of the gendarme (Pt 3463m). Keep to the

crest as far as Pt 3716.6m.

A steepening snow crest leads to the S summit (3928m) then

easier angled snow is followed to the main summit. 5hr


Mittaghorn 3897m


C Montadon, A Ringier and A Rubin, 19 Aug 1878

This is a fairly undistinguished mountain, quite easily reached from

the Hollandia hut. It has a steep, glaciated and fairly remote S face

whilst its N face forms part of the Lauterbrunnen wall. The climbs

on the N face are less frequented than those on other parts of the




AD    T Danby and H Reade with T Kalbermatten, 2 Sept 1895

Fairly infrequently climbed but it has some interesting glacier terrain.

From the Hollandia hut descend the Lang glacier to the flat Grossi

Tola, then pass under Pt 2800m to Chrumme Rigg and get onto the

flat part of the Anun glacier. This same position can be reached

from Fafleralp by following the path leading to the N side of the

Lang glacier and up the SSE ridge of Jegichnubel. Where the path

disappears get onto the Anun glacier and climb its W side to the flat

central section.

Climb as direct as possible to the fore-summit by the glacier

slopes on the W side of the Anujoch. About 4hr from the hut, 6hr

from Fafleralp.



AD    H Dtibiwith F Fuchs and F Graf snr, 16 July 1880

The easiest route from the N side. Good rock in remote surroundings.

From the Schmadri hut get onto the Vordre Schmadri glacier and

cross it E wards before climbing up it SE to gain the foot of the W

ridge (this is the ridge whose top is Pt 3753.6m).

Climb the ridge on the crest with just the occasional detour on

the N side (II, III). From the top of the ridge the summit is easily

reached by the snow ridge over the W summit (narrow in places).




ED1   P Zafiropule with H Sthhli, 2 July 1977

The face had been climbed earlier by a less direct line (H Kiene, 7July

1976). The route starts up the Schmadririgg and is 750m high,

steepening as it rises. The lower part is about 500 with mixed sections up

to 600, whilst the upper part is about 600 with mixed climbing up to 800

Most ref the difficulties are in the mixed sections which require climbing in

crampons at V and V+ in places.

From the Schmadrihut cross the moraine and pass under the N wall

of the Grosshorn L wards up the Vorder Schmadri glacier. At about

3000m get onto and go up the Schmadririgg to its end.

Start by climbing diagonally L wards up a 500 snow slope to a

rock rib. Climb a gully slanting L, then go straight up the rib and

again L to its edge before finally moving back R to its top. Climb

the snowfield above moving slightly L to the next rocks.

Get into an ice couloir and climb it for 10m then move L on

steep mixed ground to a stance. Climb steep rocks moving L wards

to reach the final steep wall. Climb one pitch, 10m towards to a rib

then 20m straight up to a vertical section, where a traverse R is

made to a small snow rib before moving up a few more m to a good

stance on the L edge of a snow couloir. Traverse 5 m into the couloir

then go up it, keeping on the L side, to exit via rocks at the top onto

the summit ice field. Climb the gradually easing slope direct to the

W summit (3835m). 9-12hr



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