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101      EAST RIB

D         C Blum and U Frei, 24 July 1967

58        A good rock climb but not much frequented. Mostly II and III with

bits of  IV.

From the Finsteraarhorn hut climb the Fiescherfirn to below the

rib. A short but steep snow slope is climbed to reach its foot a bit R

of the mouth of the couloir bordering the rib on its S side. Climb the

rib until just below the final rise to the summit. In the wall (facing

E) is a couloir, narrowing to a chimney in places, leading to a small

ledge on the rib on the R. Climb the couloir to the ledge then

traverse a few metres R before moving straight up to regain the crest

of the rib a few minutes from the summit. 5-6hr


Hinter Fiescherhorn 4025m


G. Lammer and A Lorria, 28 July 1885

A popular mountain among ski-tourers, which although surpassing

the 4000m mark can hardly be classed as a separate mountain. It is

more akin to a 'Munro top'.



F          J Liniger, R Winterhalter and J Bulli, 7 Sept 1899

59        Descended on the traverse from the Gr Fiescherhom to the Gr Grfinhorn.

From the KI Grtinhornhicke (see Route 100) climb the ridge on

good rock toa distinctive tower. Traverse this or turn it on its W

side to a gap to its N. The easy ridge leads to the summit. 1 .5 -2hr



PD       L Purtscheller and C Blodig, 3 Aug 1898

A little shorter and more sporting than the SE ridge, which it joins at a

conspecuous tower.

From the Monchjoch hut follow Route 100 until W of Pt 3415m.

Climb directly up the glacier slope, passing just S of this point, and

continue close to the rib until finally getting on to it a little way

below a level section. Above this climb directly to the top of the

tower on the SE ridge or traverse, on the NW side, to the gap

beyond the tower. The easy ridge beyond leads to the summit. 5 hr



F          First ascent party

59        From the Fieschersattel (see Route 105) follow the ridge, passing

the first gendarme on its E side, to the summit. 30min


Gross Fiescherhorn 4048.8m


H George and A Moore with CAlmer and U Kaufmann, 23 July 1862

An important mountain whose main feature is the Fiescherwand,

the N face extending from the summit of the Walcherhorn in the W

to the Ochs in the E. This face and its climbs are described

separately below. The mountain itself is principally snow covered,

with poor rock except on the crest of its ridges.



PD       F Bischoff with P Bohren and P Egger, 10 Aug 1871

59        The ridge can be approached from theManchjoch, Bergli,

Finsteraarhorn and Konkordia huts (not frequently from the latter).

Combined with the ridge it provides a very good craverse ofthe mountain.

The route is slightly more difficult when approached from the Manchioch,

Bergli or Konkordia huts. See also photo 61.

From the Monchjoch or Bergli huts descend the Ewigschneefild to

below the glacier bay leading up to the col (3923m) between the Gr.

and Hinter Fiescherhorn - this is the Fieschersattel. Climb the R-

hand side of the bay until above a crevassed zone then move L to

avoid more crevasses. The slope steepens somewhat (500) below the

col. Climb this snow slope and cross the bergschrund about 100m

below the col, then climb ice, snow or rock, according to

conditions, to the col. 4hr

Frorn the Konkordia hut follow Route 95 onto the

Ewigschneeflild and climb the same glacier bay to the col. Shr

From the Finsteraarhorn hut climb the Fiescherfirn NW to

the sierac zone near its head. The route through the zone is quite

variable. If conditions are suitable climb through its middle but

more commonly the only way is by the L (E) bank (exposed to the

danger of falling ice). Either way, once above the sieracs get onto the

high snowy plateau to the E of the Fieschersattel. 4-5hr

From the Fieschersattel climb the crest of the ridge on good

rock (one tricky descent at about half-height) to the summit. 45 min,

5-6 hr in all



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