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60        NORTH FACE DIRECT (Shreckhorn 4078 m.)

TD+     H and A Schelbert, 1980

50        The route climbs onto the snom/ice terrace at the foot of the face up the ice

wall. The first ascent party encountered 800 ice although this is very

variable from year to year as is its height (c l00m).

From the Gleckstein or Lauteraar huts reach the foot of the face as

for Route 61. Climb direct to the terrace and continue more

straight forwardly up the slopes beyond to the summit. 5-10hr from

the foot of the face


61        NORTH FACE CLASSIC ROUTE (Shreckhorn 4078 m.)

TD+     I and J Taguchiwith S Brawand and C Kaufmann, 25 Aug 1928

50        The face is 600m high and averages 500. It is one of the great mixed

routes in the Bernese Oberland, the lower part being on snow lice and the

upper third on difficult, broken rock. Because ofits easterly aspect it

catches the sun early, and so requires a much harder frost than most N

face routes to make it safe. The climb has a feeling of isolation about it.

Reach the foot of the face from the Gleckstein or Lauteraar huts by

Route 59 towards the Nilssijoch (from the latter hut it may not be

necessary to climb up to the Lauteraarsattel before turning L to

reach the face). Get onto the snow/ice terrace above the lower ice

wall by climbing the NE rib, and then take a line slanting gently R

towards the summit. According to conditions, either climb direct to

the summit or exit onto the interconnecting ridge between the SE

fore-summit and the summit. 10-12 hr from either hut


62        NORTH-EASTRIB (Shreckhorn 4078 m.)

D+       W and P Pendlebury with P Baumann and P Kaufmann,

50        11 July 1873

A fine but neglected route. A splendid achievement by the first ascent

party considering the date it was done.

From the Gleckstein or Lauteraar huts follow Route 61 to the

Snow lice terrace but instead of setting foot on the terrace continue

up the ridge to the SE fore-summit. 10-12hr from either hut


Klein Schreckhorn 3494m


E Anderson with CAlmer and P Bohren, 7 Aug 1857

A good view point but otherwise a modest summit.



PD       Miss Brevoort and W Coolidge with C and UAlmer, 4 June 1875

            but descended earlier

From the Schreckhorn hut descend the path towards Grindelwald

for a few minutes, then climb grass and scree slopes, with traces of

path, under the W flank ofthe Schwarzegg ridge to reach the Niissi

glacier. Slant L up the glacier and get onto a lower tier further N

which slopes up towards the summit of the Kl Schreckhorn (both

parts of the glacier can be quite crevassed). Avoid some s6racs on

the L and above these get into and climb a short couloir (rock or

snow) leading to the foot of the SE ridge. The rock ridge leads easily

to the summit. 4-4 .5 hr



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