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H1       Salbit hut 2105m 685.18/170.08 tel044 654 31 SAC, 60 beds,

P 15     June- 15 Oct. Signposted fromPt 1195min the Goschener Tal

(car park). Goods lift from Ulmi to Regliberg. 2 V2hr


H2       Salbit bivouac hut 2402m 683.03/170.03 SAC, 17 places.

PD       Approach from Wiggen in the Goschener Tal. Take path to the

Voralp hut almost to Horefelli then climb a couloir Nwards to the

hut. There are fixed ropes in places. 3V2hr. Alternatively approach

from the Salbit hut by a path engineered by the guardian. 1 V2hr


H3       Bachlitalhut 2328m 664.68/159.87 tel036731114SAC,

P 50     beds, weekends. Approach from the Raterichbodensee below the

Grimselpass on the N side (car park below the dam). 2hr


H4       Grueben hut 2512m 662.85/161.95 no tel SAC, 28 beds,

PE       occasional guardian. Approach from Handegg. 3hr


H5       Lauteraar hut 2392.5m 660.08/157.94 te1036 73 11 10 SAC,

PE       50 beds, 15 June- Sept. Start at the Grimsel Hospiz. Descend steps

on the N side and cross the dam. A tunnel leads to a path above the

Grimse1see on its N side. Follow the path, passing the slabs of

Eldorado at the W end of the reservoir, to the moraine on the N side

of the Lauteraar glacier. Descend onto the rubble-strewn glacier

and follow way-marks (cairns, sticks etc) on the R side of the glacier

before leaving it on the R (signpost) to join a path which climbs

quite steeply up a coombe before contouring round to the hut. 4hr


H6       Lauteraar hut- Oberaarjoch hut connection. See Route 7.


H7       Gauli hut 2205m 659.58/163.91 tel036 71 31 66 SAC, 55 beds,

P          Aug - Oct at week-ends and other times for large parties. Approach

from the road head in the Urbachtal (drive from Innertkirchen). Shr


H8       Obersarjoch hut 3258m 656.35/153.01 tel: 036 73 13 82 SAC,

F 55     beds, most of the spring and summer. Approach from the

Grimselpass, see Route 4.


H9       Oberaarjoch hut - Finsteraarhorn hut connection.See Routes 70

F          and 71. An alternative to crossing the Gemschlicke is to descend the

Studerfirn Swards onto the Galmi glacier and follow this SW

(crevasses) to S of Pt 2843.3m where the Fiescher glacier is joined.

Climb its E bank to the glacier bay inlet just NW of the

Finsteraarhorn hut. Climb this to the hut. 2-2.5 hr


H10     Engelhorn hut 1901m 656.17/170.48 tel036 71 47 26 AAC Bern

P          (SAC rec. rights), 60 beds, June- Oct at week-ends. Approach

from Rosenlaui by taking the path to the Rosenlauischlucht then the

L fork (signpost). 1.5 hr


H11     Dossenhut 2663m 655.95/167.36 tel036714494SAC,65beds,

PE       Aug and Sept, order meals in advance. Approach from Rosenlaui by

taking the path to the Rosenlauischlucht then the R fork heading S.

Pass the Rosenlaui bivouac hut (SAC, closed in summer, enquiries

to Kaltenbrunnen restaurant) before finally reaching the ridge on

which the hut stands. 4.5 hr


H12     Aar bivouac hut 2731m 654.72/156.27 tel035 2 4107 SAC,

F 17     beds, no resident guardian, take cooking equipment (emergency

gas stove). Water supply can be a problem. If the trickle close to the

hut has dried up the glacier below the hut is the only scource.

Approach from the Grimsel Hospiz as for the Lauteraar hut.

Instead of turning off the glacier continue up it on the R side of the

central moraine (cairns) to where the glacier becomes flatter and the

going eases. Keep on the flat part for some distance until roughly

level with the Lauteraar hut. A large cairn marks the place where a

descent can be made L onto bare ice in the middle of the glacier.

Continue in a sort of valley to where this glacier joins the Finsteraar

glacier. Keep up the R side of this to some large boulders and way-

marks which indicate the way onto the rubble strewn Strahlegg

glacier. Climb this for a little way, still way-marked, working up to

the R of the central moraine before turning R to reach the hut. 6-7hr

Aar bivouac hut- Schreckhorn hut connection. See Routes 49 and 50.


H13     Finsteraarhornhut 3048m  651.86/152.52  tel 03 - 6552955SAC,

F 115   beds, Mid April- mid June and July - mid Sept.

Approach from Fieschertal via the Fiescher glacier. Follow

the road for about 2km beyond the village and park at a fork in the

road. Follow signs in either direction to the Fiescher glacier and

reach this in about 192hr, after following a water pipeline above the

glacier. Go up the L side of the glacier (rubble) to Pt 2028.6m

(bivouac site) and then, a little above this and after a crevassed zone,

get onto a grassy terrace on the L (way-marked). Follow this before

descending again to the glacier. Continue up the L side of the

glacier, between rock and ice with some traverses on rock (way-

marked), as far as Pt 2572m. Just above this point cross the glacier

NNE to reach its R side below Rotioch. Follow Route H9 from here

to the hut. 8-10hr

Approach from the Jungfraujoch, descending the

Jungfraufirn by Route 150 as far as the rocks below Pt 3411.1m.

Continue down the R side of the glacier but cross to the L side near

the bottom to Griinegg. This way avoids the swamp that can

develop on the Konkordiaplatz. Now get onto the Grfineggfirn and

follow Routes 90 and 91 to the hut. 4-5hr

Approach from Grimsel and Oberaarjoch hut, see Route 4.




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