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D     G Hasler and Miss H Kuntze with J von Allmen, 31 Aug 1903.

94    From the Gamchillicke: E Bilrki and E Krall, July 1925

This is along ridge giving fairly sustained climbing on quite good rock. It

is usually attempted from the Mutthorn hut, the ridge being reached close

to Pt 3306m, but it is also possible to start the climb at the Gamchiliiche.


From the Mutthorn hut cross the Kanderfirn and climb up the

glacier tongue below Pt 3306m. There are now two possibilities.

The easier option is to move R to a deep couloir and climb this

(delicate) to its vertical upper walls before traversing R to a gap

on the ridge SE of Pt 3306m. Cross this point to reach a section of

snow. The other option is less prone to stone fall. Climb the steep

slabby couloir starting directly below the summit of Pt 3306m and

slanting L. Exit onto the ridge at the snowy section.

To start at the Gamchilitcke reach this point by Routes 283 or

284. From the pass climb steep rocks on the R of the crest (III) then

the crest itself to reach snow. Traverse the snow horizontally

L wards (S flank) and continue in this line round a rib to reach the

glacier tongue below Pt 3306m.

Climb the ridge over or round several gendarmes to a vertical

step below the fore-summit. Traverse below the step on the S side to

a rib and climb this to the fore-summit. Fairly easy climbing now

leads to the summit. 6-8hr, about 2hr more for the Gamchilitcke start




AD-   W Gerber and A Miller, 8 Sept 1933

The Blidemlisalp group has an extensive S wall but this is the only climb

on the whole wall that is worthwhile. There is some stone fall danger low

on the route.

From the Mutthorn hut cross the Kanderfirn and climb into the

snowy bay above Pt 2740.5m. From the top NW corner of the bay

climb rocks to the foot of the rib. On the rib itself avoid a vertical

step on the upper part by a couloir on the W side. 4-5hr


Gamchihicke 2837m


A useful pass between the Gspaltenhorn hut and the Mutthorn hut.

There is a precariously sited shelter for about eight people on the S





From the Mutthorn hut cross the Kanderfirn to the Tschingelpass

and then contour the Tschingelfirn to the base ofa rocky couloir

below the col. Climb this (chains) to the col. 1hr



From the Gspaltenhorn hut follow the path S to the Gamchi glacier.

Climb the glacier to the col. 1.5 hr


Gspaltenhorn 3436.1m


G Foster with J Anderegg and H Baumann, 10 July 1869

Basically a rock peak with two principal features: the NE face, one

of the highest faces in the Alps, and the SW ridge, a very jagged

crest usually referred to as the Rote Zilhne ridge (Roti Zend on the

map). The rock is not perfect but is usually sound enough.



TD    S Herford and G Young with H Brantschen and J Knubel,

96    14 July 1914. Winter: P Girardin, J Hengelin and M Perrenoud,

15-16 Feb 1959

A splendid historical expedition with some good rock climbing. However

it is not a classic route. The climbing is of variable quality and there is a

lot of poor rock. It should only be attempted when the weather is settled

since escape from the ridge is dangerous. Once past the first tooth, it is

more difficult to return than to continue. The climb can be started at the

Gamchiliicke but it is more usual to reach the rid ge at Pt 3275m.

From the Gspaltenhorn huthead SE towards a tiny glacier then turn

S up snow slopes to cross the ridge descending W from Pt 3275m.

Get into a wide snowy couloir to the S of the ridge and climb this.

Leave the couloir in its upper part by easy rocks on the L to a gap.

Follow rocks to a second gap and then snow slopes to Pt 3275m.

Go along the ridge, then follow a narrow ledge for 10m on the

S side to the foot of the first tooth. Climb easy rocks for 20m then a

snowy couloir and a chimney before traversing R into another

couloir. Climb this to the crest and follow it to the top of the tooth

(III). 4-6hr

Descend a little couloir on the N side (poor rock) then make a

30m abseil. Climb down to a gap before two gendarmes and descend

the couloir below the gap (poor rock) to an exposed ledge. Cross the

ledge and make another abseil (15m) before easy rock leads to the

base of the second tooth. On the S face climb slabs then traverse R

to the second of three cracks. Climb a small overhang then the crack

to a belay (IV). Now climb a small couloir before slanting L to the S

summit of the tooth.

Move down into the gap before the N summit and keep

descending on the L to stony ledges. Follow these N to the first of a

number of small gaps. On the other side of the ridge make a 20m

abseil to the foot of the third tooth.

It is usual to avoid this tooth by making a 20m abseil on the L

side of the gap and then traversing round on ledges before climbing

a few m to a scree-covered terrace. From the terrace a steep crack

(poor rock) leads to the N side of the tooth. (It is possible to avoid

climbing the steep crack to the gap by following a rib on the L to the

crest.) The tooth can be climbed from the previous gap (on the W

side) by a narrow crack and chimney (IV). Descend by a steep and

narrow chimney on the N side (good holds). Either way the crest is

followed to the summit. 4-6hr, 8-12hr in all

From the Gamchilitcke climb the ridge easily to the first

tower. Turn this on the R by a narrow ledge followed by a couloir

back to the ridge. Snow leads toPt 3095m(Kamel). Climb this by a

chimney-crack (III) then follow the crest to Pt 3275m. 2hr





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