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Rottalhorn 3969m


Merely a subsidiary summit of the Jungfrau but probably worth

traversing to extend the ascent of this mountain. There are two rock

climbs on the SE face (AD and D) but otherwise there is little of




AD    T von Hahn with F Amatter and F Kaufmann, 1 Aug 1907

68    From the Monchjoch or Konkordia huts follow Route 150 to the

foot of Pt 3411.1m. Pass round the S side of this point (large

crevasses) and climb steepening snow slopes towards the

Louwihorn (3778m). Traverse under this summit to the col at the

foot of the SE ridge.

Climb a steep, narrow snow/ice couloir, which cuts through

the lower two thirds of the rocks, and then easy rocks to the

summit. 3-4hr

Descend the easy snow ridge to the Rottalsattel and rejoin

Route 150 to the Jungfrau. 15min. See also photo 70


Louwitor and Louwihorn 3676m and 3779m


These are two snow humps between the Rottalhorn and

Gletscherhorn. Quite frequently climbed in spring, and worth

considering if travelling between the Hollandia and Monchjoch huts

as an alternative to going via Konkordiaplatz. Some people come

this way as a winter approach to the Lauterbrunnen Wall from the

Jungfraujoch railway, descending one of the couloirs into the





F     From the Monchjoch hut follow Route 157 to the col at the foot of

68    the SE ridge of the Rottalhorn. Climb the snow slope leading S to

the summit of the Louwihorn (it may be possible to ignore the

traverse to the col and climb direct to the summit). Continue easily

to the Louwitor. 3hr



F     From the Hollandia hut get onto the Kranzbergfirn after

72    descending the Aletsch glacier by Route 205 and climb it

straightforwardly to the summit of the Louwitor. The crevassed

zone at about 3300m is climbed on the R (E) side. 3-3V2hr

Kranzberg 3737.7m

Probably C Freeman with H Zurfliih and A Stithli, 19 Aug 1896

This is a popular ski mountain but is infrequently climbed in

summer athough it is not unworthy of attention. It has four distinct

tops and a traverse of them is quite satisfying.



PD    From the Konkordia or Hollandia huts reach the SE corner of the

72    mountain (Pt 2740m) and climb the glacier face, passing below the

ribS of Pt 3610.6m, to reach the col between this point and the S

summit (3666m). Continue along the ridge to the N summit. 3-4hr

It is also possible to climb the SE ridge (D, loose in places) to

reach the S summit. 8-10hr

Descend by reversing Route 159 to the Aletsch glacier to

return to either hut.




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