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D+    A Weber with H Schlunegger snr, 30 July 1911

68    A long rid ge with some excellent climbing. Unfortunately the lower part

of the ridge has been spoiled by the installation of some

telecommunications equipment and, although it is still possible to climb

this section, it seems better to avoid it even though this means missing the

most difficult part of the ridge.Seealsophoto71

From the Manchjoch hut follow the track to the Sphinx tunnel and

descend the Jungfraufirn to get under the S side of the ridge. Climb

a couloir leading up between the double gendarme of Pt 3809m (if

necessary the rocks bordering the couloir can be utilised, III).

Follow the ridge over several steps (excellent climbing on the

crest, III and IV), with deviations onto the N face where necessary,

to a large gendarme (3992m).

The next section starts with a snow crest and is followed by

three high gendarmes. Climb each of these- the first has poor rock

in its lower part and is quite delicate (mostly III, one section of IV) -

before a steep and exposed wall leads to the Wengen Jungfrau

(Pt 4089m). Cross the Hochfirn to the foot of the final rocks and

follow the crest (reached by steep snow) to the summit. 8-11hr

Silberhorn 3695m

E von Fellenberg and K Blideker with C von Allmen, P Michel,

H Baumann, P Indibnit, F Fuchs and C Lauener, 4 Aug 1863

A satellite of the Jungfrau and best climbed in combination with

this peak. There are no easy descent routes from the peak.




D     E Gertsch, Ed Gertsch and F Fuchs, 22-24 Aug 1926

The route had been climbed earlier but the key passage had been avoided

(H King, A Supersaxo and L Zurbriggen, 24 Sept 1887). It is a long

mixed climb with the major difficulties on rock and low down. The

Rotbrett is the 500m high triangular pillar of rock on the NW side of the

Jungfrau adjacent to the Silberhorn hut. The climb follows its N ed ge

and has three sections of fixed ropes. Nowhere are the difficulties very

great but escape from the route is difficult and it is this which makes it a

serious undertaking.

From the Silberhorn hut climb SE across steep and overlapping

rocks to snow slopes leading to the crest of the ridge forming the N

side of the Rotbrett. Climb the R (W) side of the snow slope and

reach a wa11via some shattered rock steps (all this section is

somewhat variable and is best inspected in the light of day). Climb

the wall using a 30mlong cable then climb a few more metres before

following a stony gangway R wards for about 50m (delicate with a

slight descent at the start). A wide, stepped crack leads easily to a

fixed rope. From its top climb the ridge without much difficulty, on

the crest or just L of it, and reach the shoulder at Pt 3382m (the top

of the Rotbrett).

Follow the less steep ridge to the bottom of a 6mhigh,

overhanging step (the Fellenbergflieli). A fixed rope allows this

obstacle to be passed. In very good snow conditions it is possible to

pass it on the N side by the edge of the Silberhorn glacier. Just

above the ridge turns to snow. Continue up it and over a snow boss

(Goldenhorn) and then climb the snow slopes to the summit. 5-6hr

Continue via Route 152 to the summit of the Jungfrau.

8-12 hr in all



D     J Hornby and T Philpott with C Almer, C Lauener, J Bischoff and

71    U Almer snr, 10 Aug 1865

Best climbed when the rock is dry. The climbing is a bit more sustained

Than on the Rotbrett Ridge.

From the Silberhorn hut traverse across rocks to a scree band below

the Silberhorn glacier and then go up L (NE) across scree covered

loose rocks into a gorge (stone and icefall danger). Now climb the W

flank of the ridge to the crest which is followed to a notch. More

difficult climbing, either direct or on the L, follows (III) to an

easing. Follow the filirly steep snow above to the summit. 6-8 hr




D+    J Jenkins and M Taylor, 11 Aug 1939

71    Approximate@ 50. ice with some stone fall danger in the lower part.

Probably a usef2d route for training or in different weather.

From the Silberhorn hut go downhill W wards onto the snow band

at the foot of the NW ridge. Go round the base of the ridge then

climb rocks on its E flank before gaining the snowfields on the L.

Climb these with increasing difficulty to the summit. A

bergschrund has to be crossed near the crest at the top of the NW

ridge. 4-6hr




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