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151   INNER ROTTAL RIDGE (Jungfrau 4158.2m)

AD    F von Allmen with U Brunner, F Graf inr, K Schlunegger and

70    J Stager, 21 Sept 1885

The route follows the S branch of the SW ridge. It is a splendid long

climb and the only satisfactory route on the W flank of the mountain. It is

quite delicate if the rock is snow-covered or verglassed and the best line is

not easy to find, especially in descent.

From the Rottalhut follow a track NW to the foot of the crags seen

on the skyline above the hut. Climb through these easily by moving

La little way and reach the broad and fairly level part of the Inner

Rottal ridge (cairn at Pt 2927m).

Go along the ridge to a steepening then slant L (but not too

far) and climb easy slabs to regain the crest of the ridge, above the

steep section, at a narrow, smooth rock nose in which there are

three iron stakes. It is possible to move well to the L at the

steepening and climb slabs and gullies to regain the ridge, but this

will always be harder than the route described. Above the nose

continue to a snow saddle where the main difficulties begin.

Move L off the ridge and climb a couloir slanting L (two fixed

ropes). Slant back R at the top of the couloir to a steep wall (gneiss

now after limestone) and climb the wall (fixed rope) to easier ground

leading up to the ridge on the L, which is gained close to Pt 3790m.

Difficulties in this section are II and IIL At this point Inner and

Outer Rottal ridges merge.

Continue up the ridge and climb a steep section, via a shallow

snow couloir and easy rock steps, to the upper snow plateau from

which a steep snow slope and easy rocks lead to the summit. You

can avoid the steep section by keeping L and traversing back R onto

the snow plateau. 6-8hr


152   GUGGIROUTE (Jungfrau 4158.2m)

D     H George and G Young with C Almer, U Almer sur and

71    H Baumann, 29 Aug 1865

At one time quite frequently climbed, but glacier conditions have changed

over the years and it is now a considerable undertaking, whilst remaining

a very fine climb in magnificent surroundings. The main difficulties are

on ice, but the ability to navigate quickly through jumbled glacier terrain

is important. Late in the season the route is probably impracticable. See

also photos 70 and 80

From the Guggi hut descend a couloir down ledges and slabs

(unpleasant, cables) SW. Stillon the rocks traverse S, rising slightly

(more cables) to some polished rocks. Turn these and then descend

to the Guggi glacier (more cables) at a flat area with few crevasses.

Climb the glacier SW to the icefall below the Chielouwenen glacier.

Climb the icefall (often complex and difficult) to the snow basin

above. Cross this W wards to the rocks at the foot of the

Schneehorn. Climb these direct or slanting up from L to R to a

snowy ledge. Either gain the summit or avoid it on the L and enter

the upper coombe of the Giessen glacier.

Cross the coombe SW to the foot of the Kl Silberhorn

(3543m). Climb the snowlice ridge to its summit and so reach the

snow coombe below the Silberliicke. Cross the coombe in the

direction of the col (bivouac site) and climb to it by a steep snow

slope. The slope may be icy or protected by a large bergschrund. In

this case continue up the NE ridge of the Silberhorn (3695m) and

descend the easy, rocky S ridge to the col.

Climb a short rock ridge and an exposed snow crest to the

Hochfirn and then continue up this to the summit rocks which are

climbed via a steep snow slope and easy rocks. 8-12 hr




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